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The Flute

The FLUTE—Flexible Ureteroscopy Training and Evaluation program is a one-day hands-on basic skills training session focused on flexible ureteroscopy. It primarily emphasizes the fundamentals, including ergonomics, instrument handling, various hand movements, and understanding the necessary accessories.


In today's era of advanced endourological techniques and ever-evolving technology, urologists are expected to be proficient in handling the latest instruments to achieve the best possible results. One such remarkable instrument is the flexible ureteroscope, which plays a crucial role in managing renal stones. Over time, there have been many improvements in the quality and design of this instrument. The flexible ureteroscope (fURS) represents an advancement over semi-rigid ureteroscopy, and it is essential for every urologist to master its use.

In today's era of advanced endourological techniques and ever-evolving technology, urologists are expected to be proficient in handling the latest instruments to achieve the best possible results. One such remarkable instrument is the flexible ureteroscope, which plays a crucial role in managing renal stones. Over time, there have been many improvements in the quality and design of this instrument. The flexible ureteroscope (fURS) represents an advancement over semi-rigid ureteroscopy, and it is essential for every urologist to master its use.

Who should attend?

  • The applicant should be a qualified urologist (M.Ch / DNB in urology) from India*
  • The applicant should be registered in any of the state medical councils or the National Medical Council
  • Should have a minimum of 1 year of experience post M.Ch or DNB in urology
  • Should preferably be a member of the Urological Society of India

*We are not authorised to train urologists of foreign origin unless permitted by the National Medical Council of India

The program is designed for both beginners and experienced urologists

Course content:

The one-day hands-on training program is designed such that we have few lectures, exposure to modules, live demonstrations and hands-on training with active interaction.

  • 1. Lectures focusing on the basics of surgical anatomy, ergonomics and accessories
  • 2. Introduction to the basics of flexible ureteroscopy on the training modules
  • 3. Live demonstration of surgery
  • 4. Trainees will have a hands-on training session
  • 5. An interactive session and assessment of the trainees

Learning Objectives

  • 1. To understand the basics of flexible ureteroscopy, like the relevant surgical anatomy, ergonomics of fURS, accessories, and maintenance of instruments.
  • 2. To observe the step-by-step procedure of performing RIRS.
  • 3. To understand the hand movements involved in the surgery.
  • 4. To get hands-on experience in performing RIRS and fine-tune the skills with help of the mentor.
  • 5. To understand various instruments and recent advances in flexible ureteroscopy.

Program duration

Time Program
09:00 - 13:00 Introduction to basics in Flexible Ureteroscopy
  • fURS - Know your anatomy
  • Ergonomics in RIRS
  • Know your armamentarium
Live Demonstration of RIRS - Procedure, observation and interaction
  • How to do an RIRS (Step by step)
  • LASER settings
Hands on training
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 17:00 Hands on training
    Interactive session
  • Accessories in fURS
  • Complications in RIRS
  • Sterilisation & Maintenance of fURS and accessories
Candidate evaluation and assessment and Certificate distribution

Schedule for 2025

Edition Month/Year Date*
16th Edition
Registrations Closed*
February, 2025 15-02-2025
17th Edition April, 2025 19-04-2025
18th Edition June, 2025 21-06-2025
19th Edition August, 2025 23-08-2025
20th Edition October, 2025 18-10-2025
21st Edition December, 2025 20-12-2025

(Dates* are subjected to change)

(* We are not authorised to train urologists of foreign origin unless permitted by the National medical Council of India)

* Number of live RIRS surgeries will be decided on the availability of cases. (A minimum of 4 cases will be demonstrated )

Program Director

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Dr.Deepak Ragoori

Program Director

Senior Consultant Urologist and Facility Director

Dr.Md Taif Bendegeri

Organising Team

Senior Consultant Urologist

Dr. Leela Krishna

Organising Team

Consultant Urologist

Organising Team

  • Dr.Md Taif Bendegeri
  • Dr. Leela Krishna

Certification / Accreditation

The FLUTE program is endorsed and supported by the Asian School of Urology, the official educational arm of the Urological Association of Asia.


Collaboration / Accreditation

The FLUTE program is supported and in collaboration with the Asian Urological Society of Endoluminal Surgery and Technology (AUSET) which is a subspecialty society of the Urological Association of Asia (UAA)



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