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Pediatric Urologist and Urology..

Pediatric Urology i

Pediatric Urologist and Urology

  • Pediatric Urologists care for fetuses that have urologic abnormalities diagnosed on prenatal ultrasound. They also take care of children with genitourinary abnormalities and provide frequent care for prepubescent females with genital issues. Although the majority of pediatric urology patients are under the age of 18, pediatric urologists often treat adults with congenital urologic anomalies and/or reconstructive problems.
  • The division of Pediatric Urology at the AINU is committed to providing comprehensive Pediatric Urological care, and the highest quality surgical services for all genitourinary conditions in children, including penile abnormalities, hypospadias, hydroceles, hernias, undescended testicles, vesicoureteral reflux, pediatric stone disease, ureteropelvic junction obstruction, and all other causes of hydronephrosis and hydroureteronephrosis. In addition, we provide experienced care for the more complex genitourinary conditions that require surgical reconstruction, like disorders of sexual differentiation, bladder exstrophy and epispadias, cloacal anomalies and the surgical management of neuropathic bladder. We also offer minimally invasive, state-of-the-art treatment modalities for children with urological abnormalities, including endoscopy, laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery.
  • In order to understand the mechanisms underlying the irreversible kidney damage brought on by urinary tract blockage and to identify novel therapeutic approaches that may be able to potentially stop or slow this process, our division maintains a basic science research programme. We are in the process of developing multiple branches and satellite locations throughout India.

Signs and symptoms to consult pediatric urology are :

In children under 18 years of age –

  • Scrotal pain (emergency)
  • Ballooning or non-retractile foreskin of the penis
  • Recurrent episodes of UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
  • Passing blood in the urine
  • Passing urine from under or upper surface of the penis with an abnormal opening of the urethra
  • Persistent bedwetting beyond the age of 5 years.
  • Persistent wetting of undergarments by the child after 3 to 4 years of age
  • Urinary retention
  • Swelling in the groin( hernia or hydrocele)
  • Testis not present in the scrotum

When your pediatrician or any other doctor diagnoses abnormalities of the Urinary tract like –

  • Hydronephrosis
  • Hydroureteronephrosis
  • Ureterocele
  • Renal agenesis
  • Renal Duplex collecting system
  • Stones/calculi in the urinary tract - kidney, ureter and bladder
  • Renal & bladder mass /tumour
  • VUR (VesicoUreteric Reflex)
  • PUV ( Posterior Urethral Valves)
  • Neurogenic bladder
  • Bowel balder dysfunction
  • When your antenatal scans show any renal problem in a fetus
female urology

What is hypospadias in children?

Its congenital condition, I which the urine tube opens in the undersurface of the penis instead of tip of penis, child mostly urinates form the under surface of penis.

When associated with conditions like undescended testis (a condition in which one or both of the testis is absent in their respective scrotum)

What causes it?

Hypospadias is caused by multifactorial like combination of genes, environmental factors, and factors such as what the mother eats or drinks, gets exposed to during pregnancy....

Are There Symptoms

  • Urinary hole (meatus) located in the undersurface of penis
  • Child Urinates form the underside of penis
  • Abnormal looking penis and scrotum
  • Can sometimes have Undescended testis


It needs corrective surgery bring the urine tube (urethra), to the tip of the penis (before the school going age), current recommendation for surgery is anywhere between 6 months to 18 months of age.

In case associated conditions Undescended testis also need corrective surgery before the earliest.

female urology

What are Ambiguous genitalia in children?

Abnormally appearing genitals which don’t look typically like male or female child.

What causes it?

Hormonal irregularities during pregnancy generally cause atypical genitalia. These irregularities interfere with your fetus’s developing sex organs. Causes vary depending on the number or combination of sex chromosomes that are present...

Are There Symptoms

Symptoms depends on the genetic sex the child –

Female (genetically)

  • An enlarged clitoris that looks like a small penis.
  • The urethral opening (where urine comes out) may not be in the typical place.
  • The “lips” of the vagina (labia) may be fused and look like a scrotum (a pouch that normally contains the testicles).
  • A lump of tissue within the labia that looks like a scrotum with testicles.

Male (genetically)

  • A penis doesn’t form or is very small and looks like an enlarged clitoris.
  • The urethral opening (where urine comes out) may be at the base of the penis instead of the tip.
  • A small, separated scrotum that looks like labia.
  • Undescended testicles


Treatment depends on the hormonal, chromosomal, and biopsy of the gonads (abnormal testis or ovary) status

It ranges from hormonal therapy, reconstruction of the genitalia preferably at puberty.

female urology

What is Antenatal hydronephrosis? in children?

A condition that is diagnosed when the baby is in the mother’s womb on a ultrasound scan, in which there is an element of swelling in the kidney due to many reasons and most of them i.e., approximately 60 to 80% of them would normalize on its own while in observation and only 20 % of would need medical intervention like antibiotics or surgical intervention depending of the laterality, severity and nature of the underlying disease....

What causes it?

There are many conditions like transient hydronephrosis, PUJO( pelviureteric Junction obstruction), VUR( vesicoureteric reflex), PUV( posterior urethral valves) and so on

Are There Symptoms

It is kidney and its tracts swelling noticed on the antenatal scan This is indication for follow up of the child after birth.


Most of them disappear by the time the pregnancy is complete or with in an year after birth Few of them need surgical correction depending on the conditions described above.

female urology

What is Bladder Exstrophy in children?

It is birth defect, in which the child has a pink mass in the lower tummy with continuous leak of urine from the pink mass, it is the opened up urinary bladder, it is generally associated with the abnormal looking genitalia. ...

It needs surgical correction at the earliest and needs correction of the hip bone.

What causes it?

Abnormal lower abdominal wall development resulting in opened urinary bladder remaining outside the tummy.

Are There Symptoms

Pink mass noted in the lower tummy of the child with continuous leak of urine.

Abnormal appearing genitalia

Can have groin swelling (hernia)


Surgical correction is needed in these children, closure of bladder and urine tube (urethra) – thereby the child can normally urinate.

Also would need enhancement of bladder capacity with food pipe( augmentation).

female urology

What is Hernia(inguinal hernia) in children?

This is condition in which there is swelling the groin sometimes extend in the respective scrotum. Which is generally noticed by parents while bathing or after physical activity.

Hernia need surgical correction at the earliest, irrespective of the age of the child. ...

What causes it?

The sac which brings the testis in to the scrotum should remain closed after that ,sometimes the sac remains open and letting fluid or bowel from tummy to get in to it – there by leading to hernia.

Are There Symptoms

Swelling noted in the groin or inguinal region on and off.

Sometimes associated with pain.


All the case of hernia irrespective of age would need surgery.

Treatment usually involves closing the patent sac.

It can be preformed open or laparoscopic

All the case of hernia irrespective of age would need surgery.

female urology

What is Hydrocele in children?

This is condition in which there is swelling the scrotum sometimes extend in the respective groin . Which is generally noticed by parents by large scrotum....

What causes it?

The sac which brings the testis in to the scrotum should remain closed after that ,sometimes the sac remains open and letting fluid– there by leading to hydrocele.

Are There Symptoms

Swelling noted in the scrotum.

Sometimes associated with pain.


Hydrocele can be observed till 18 month to 24 months of age and thereafter if it present then warrant surgery .

Treatment usually involves closing the patent sac.

It can be preformed open or laparoscopic.

female urology

What is Tumors and cancers of the kidneys in children?

Tumors or masses of the kidney are very few mostly common amongst them is nephrobalstoma (wilms tumor), it is mostly noticed by parents by bloated tummy or large mass felt while giving bath to the children....

It needs treatment form removal of mass alone or along with the kidney, followed by chemotherapy, the survival rate and quality of life these children are good after early detection and treatment.

What causes it?

Multiple factors are attributed to the cause of the tumor in the kidney in children most accepted on is genetic mutations.

Are There Symptoms

The tummy getting larger

Mostly noticed my mother while bathing the children

Blood in the urine

High blood pressure (though rare).


Treatment depends on the ageof the child , stage ,type and nature of the tumor; it ranges from surgical removal of tumor to complete removal of the tumor along with the kidney and chemotherapy, radiotherapy.

female urology

What is Neurogenic bladder? In children?

Neurogenic bladder condition in which the nerve supply to the bladder is disturbed due to abnormality in spine or operative procedure carried out on the spine, rarely trauma to the spine, these children would develop an abnormal pattern of urinating and generating high pressures in bladder which could affect the upper lying kidneys....

Therefore need medical attention to streamline the voiding pattern there by protecting the kidney, the treatment may range from medication, CIC(clean Intermittent catheterization), BOTOX bladder injections and Augmentation Cystoplasty( surgical bladder volume enhancement with food pipe).

What causes it?

Neurogenic bladder condition in which the nerve supply to the bladder is disturbed due to abnormality in spine or operative procedure carried out on the spine, rarely trauma to the spine.

Less folic acid intake during pregnancy would lead to these abnormal spinal column, this further lead to neurogenic bladder.

Are There Symptoms

Lump in the back of the child.

Abnormal back of the child( over the spine).

Abnormal walking pattern

increased frequency of urination.



CIC(clean Intermittent catheterization),

BOTOX bladder injections

Augmentation Cystoplasty ( to increase the size of urinary bladder, to decrease bladder pressure).

female urology

What is Tumors and cancers of ovary. In children?

Ovarian tumors in children are rare, can present with vague pressure or mass noted in the lower tummy.

It needs treatment ranges form removal of the respective ovary followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy depending on the type of tumor, the survival rate and quality of life these children are good after early detection and treatment....

What causes it?

The cause is not clearly known, risk factors included inherited genetic mutations.

Are There Symptoms

A feeling of pressure or fullness in the abdomen or pelvis.

A firm, painless swelling in the lower abdomen.

Frequent urination or retention of urine

Persistent Abdominal pain

Breast Enlargement

Pubic hair

Vaginal discharge or bleeding

Abnormal menstrual bleeding


Treatment depends on the age, stage and nature of the tumor; it ranges from fertility preserving surgical removal of tumor to complete removal of the tumor along with the ovary and along with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Along with multidisciplinary approach for physical and pshyco-emotional well being.

female urology

What is phimosis in children?

Inability to pull back the skin on the tip pf penis

It is normally exist till the age of 6 to 7 years.

But when can sometime leads to ballooning of foreskin and cause urinary tract infection, Needs treatment....

What causes it?

It is normal and the skin would retract back by the time of 6 to 7 years.

Some time few condition subtle trauma, inflammatory conditions like BXO( balanitis xerotica obliterans) can also lead to phimosis, this warrant circumcision irrespective of age.

Are There Symptoms

Ballooning of the tip of penis while passing urine

Splaying of urine while urinating.

Color change of skin at the tip of penis can ( BXO)


Most of times local application of steroids creams would be the treatment

Some time would warrant surgical removal skin of the tip of the penis( circumcision)

female urology

What is Hydronephrosis? In children?

A condition in which the child has swelling in one or both of the kidneys, which is due to block of the tube which carries urine from kidney (PUJO) (pelvi ureteric junction obstruction), would need surgical intervention if the swelling of the kidney is increasing or there is worsening of functioning of the kidney....

What causes it?

The specific cause is still unknown.

Are There Symptoms

Smaller children can swelling of kidney could lead to fullness in tummy and makes the child uncomfortable.

The bigger children can have pain in tummy & sometimes urinary tract infections.


Serial ultrasound scans follow of the kidney swelling

Surgery is warranted in case of increasing kidney swelling on the scans.

It can be performed with open,or laparoscopic or Robotic means

female urology

What is Posterior Urethral valve (PUV) in children?

Congenital condition in which the child cannot urinate well in the mother’s womb, due to a (curtain like) valve in the urine tube, children after birth cannot initiate good stream of urine and urine dribbles.

This condition is seen only in a male child, and warrant endoscopic removal of the valves. ...

What causes it?

A leaf like curtain which is normal present in the urine tube of male child while developing in the mother’s womb, which thereafter vanishes as the development happens, but in case of failure of vanishing of this leaf like curtain leads to blockage of urine flow both in womb and later on in life.

Exact reason for its cause is still unknown.

Are There Symptoms

Scan of baby in the womb can show big urinary bladder and sometime abnormal kidneys

After birth there is poor stream of urine, can develop urinary tract infection.

Can be associated with significant kidney damage.


The leaf like curtain (posterior urethral valves) will be removed by endoscopic means.

There after the child would need a long term medication and follow up.

female urology

What is Tumors and cancers of testis in children?

Testicular tumors in children are rare, Tumors or hard swelling in the testis noted by the child or parent.

It needs treatment form removal of the respective testis followed by chemotherapy, the survival rate and quality of life these children are good after early detection and treatment ...

What causes it?

Multiple factors most accepted on is genetic mutations, particularly in children with ambiguous genitalia and Undescended testis.

Are There Symptoms

A painless lump in the testicle (the most common sign).

A feeling of weight in the scrotum

Swelling of the testicle (with or without pain)

Pain or a dull ache in the testicle, scrotum or groin.


Treatment depends on the age, stage and nature of the tumor; it ranges from surgical removal of tumor to complete removal of the tumor along with the testis and along with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

female urology

What is Undescended testes (Cryptorchidism) in children?

This is condition in which the testis are not located in the normal postion in the scrotum, This could be either one or both the testis...

What causes it?

Undescended testis is caused by multifactorial like combination of genes, environmental factors, and factors such as what the mother eats or drinks during pregnancy.

Are There Symptoms

Absence of testis in one of both sides in the scrotum.

Cans sometime be associated with

- Abnormal look of foreskin and penis

- Abnormal location of urinary tube on the undersurface of penis

- Ambiguous genitalia


In some cases, undescended testis does not require surgery.

Treatment usually involves surgically bringing the undescended testis back to scrotal position in a single or two stages ( orchiopexy).

Usually, surgery is performed between 6 and 12 months of age.

The treatment also varies depending the associated conditions and nature of testis.

female urology

What is Urolithiasis (bladder and kidney stones) in children?

It is formation of stones in the kidney, ureter or bladder in children.

They are usually detected incidentally and sometime while looking up for tummy pain....

What causes it?

More than half of times the stone developed in children because of metabolic reasons, followed by infection and dietary causes.

Are There Symptoms

Pain the tummy.

Passing whitish material in the urine.

Urinary tract infections.


Most of the small stone does not treatment as they would passing out with out any trouble Larger stones and painful stones would need its removal.

It can be done by with a small cut on the tummy or even without a cut by placing with very small scopes in urinary system

Smaller stones can be dealt with ESWL( extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy), with out any cuts or placement of any scope on to the child.

These children would warrant a long term follow up.

female urology

What is Vesico ureteric reflex( VUR)? in children?

Most common cause of urinary tract infection in children, it is condition in which the urine from bladder goes back to the kidney and could lead to scars and functional deterioration of respective kidney.

This condition needs medical attention and treatment ranges form long term low dose antibiotics or surgical intervention depending on the grade of reflex....

What causes it?

This can be primary VUR- causes unknown

Secondary VUR- can be caused by constipation, abnormal voiding of urine, posterior urethral valves- and much more

Are There Symptoms

Incidentally finding on evaluation for tummy pain or urinary tract.

Most of times the children present with repeated UTI( urinary tract infection).

slow down in the growth of the children.


Minor grade of reflex need mostly nothing sometimes, can sometime be given low dose antibiotic for a while.

High grade reflex warrant either endoscopic or surgical modality of treatment

Our Pediatric Urologists

Dr. Ramesh Babu

Dr. Ramesh Babu

MS, MCh, FRCS Glas, FRCS Edin, FRCS Pediatric,
FSPU, Ph.D (Pediatric Urology)

Consultant Pediatric Urologist

Dr. Prabhu Karunakaran

Dr. Ashwin Shekar P<

MS, M.Ch(Urology)

Consultant Pediatric & Transitional Urologist

Banjara-hills, Hyderabad.

Pediatric urologist treat conditions associated with congenital all the congenital anomalies in children, including few acquired conditions like stone diseases.

Pediatric urologist treat with children from birth till college- in short age of vertical growth

In rare circumstances, they would handle adult patients along with adult urologists.

A- Phimosis, hernia, hydrocele, undescended testis, hypospadias, posterior urethral valves, bedwetting, neurogenic bladders.

Circumcision, hernia & hydrocele repairs, hypospadias repair, orchiopexy, pyeloplasty, ureteric reimplantation, bladder extrophy repairs, PUV fulgurations, lithotripsy including ureterolithotripsay and percutaneous lithotripsy.

MIS includes lithotripsies, pyeloplasty, ureteric reimplantation, valve fulgurations.

Yes, would treat all kinds of DSD’s and this could be done with endocrinology and psychiatrist help

In child any kind of bladder outlet or any urinary tract obstruction is dealt by pediatric urologist

Basic research is currently on prevention of kidney damage at AINU

Scrotal pain is a medical emergency and there can be surgical or nonsurgical caused of it, but every child needs to see a pediatric urologist immediately in case of scrotal pain.

Repeated urinary tract infections, any abnormality seen below the level of umbilicus or any urological condition related to kidney, ureter bladder or genital region diagnosed by your pediatrician in a child, would need to visit pediatric urologist.


A- Any abnormality related genito-urinary tract to antenatal scans need pediatric urologist visit, for diagnosis and after birth management plan.


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