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Prostate Cancer

Robotic Radical Prostatectomy

Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in men

Risk factors:

  • Prostate cancer is primarily a disease of the elderly.
  • Men with a family history have 2 to 3-fold increased risk


  • Difficulty in passing urine, Urinary frequency and blood in the urine.
  • In early stages patients might not have any symptoms at al.
  • Bony pains, loss of weight and appetite- in advanced stage

Prostate cancer investigations:

  • Serum PSA test (Prostate Specific Antigen)- For screening
  • Trans Rectal Ultrasound (TRUS) guided biopsy: AINU is equipped with advanced BK Biplanarultrasound, helps in targeting the suspicious lesion precisely and to confirm diagnosis.
  • MRI Prostate- for local staging (To assess operability)
  • Bone scan or PSMA (prostate-specific membrane antigen) PET scan are used to know whether cancer has spread to the other parts of the body

PSA screening of Prostate cancer: (American Cancer Society recommendation)

  • All men ≥ 50 years or45 yearsif there is a family history of prostate cancer
  • Opportunistic screening: all men with good life expectancy between 50-75 years comes to hospital with urinary symptoms.

Treatment of localized prostate cancer:

  • Robotic assisted Radical prostatectomy: Surgical removal of cancerous prostate by using surgical Robot. AINU has davinci X Robotic surgical system (advanced version) featuring a high-definition, magnified (12 times) 3-D view and freedom of instruments movement(more flexible than the human hand), allows surgeon perform surgery with high precision, to achieve cancer clearance and also to preserve nerves which are responsible for urine control (less urine leak) and potency.
  • Radiotherapy is usually preferred in patients who are not fit for the surgical procedure or in case of locally advanced disease.
  • Advanced prostate cancer can also be effectively controlled by using Hormonal therapy, which is the backbone management. Other add-on therapies are Docetaxel chemotherapy, newer immunotherapy, PARP inhibitors and Radio nucleotide therapy.