Fellowship in NeuroUrology - Hospital La Conception, France.
3 years : Consultant Urologist, Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology, Chennai.
1 year : Associate consultant, Department of Urology, R.G Stone Laparoscopy and Urology Hospital, Chennai.
6 months : Senior Registrar in Apollo Main Hospital, Chennai.
Current Position
Functional and Neuro Urology Consultant - AINU, Chennai.
Neuro Urology and Functional Urology
Sacral Neuromodulation
Urodynamics and Video Urodynamics
Endourology and Laser stone surgery
Renal Transplantation
Laparoscopic and minimally invasive Urology
Intuitive Certified Da Vinci Robotic Console surgeon
Publications & Papers Presented
Jayaprakash, S. P., et al. "A rare case of extra-gonadal mixed germ cell tumour of seminal vesicle." European Urology Open Science 33 (2021): S5.
Thangarasu M, Jayaprakash SP, Selvaraj N, Bafna S, Paul R, Mahesh C, Jain N, Balakrishnan A, Sivaraman A. A Prospective Study on the Efficacy of
Cognitive Targeted Transrectal Ultrasound Prostate Biopsy in Diagnosing
Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer. Res Rep Urol. 2021;13:207-213
Thangarasu, Mathisekaran, et al. "Influence of tumor size in the
progression of venous tumor thrombus in renal cell carcinoma: A 7-year
single-center experience." Urology Annals 14.3 (2022): 273-278.
Aarthy P, Thangarasu M*, Prakash JS, Raghavan D, Jain N, Balakrishnan A,
Chandranathan M, Bafna S, Paul R, Selvaraj N. Safety and efficacy of mini-
percutaneous nephrolithotomy as daycare procedure: a prospective
observational study. African Journal of Urology. 2021 Dec;27(1):1-6.
Mathisekaran T, Raghavan D, Muthu R, Prabhakar V, Prakash S. Collecting
duct carcinoma of kidney: Masquerading as genitourinary tuberculosis-
Lessons learnt. Urology case reports. 2020 Mar 1;29:101100.
Thangarasu M, Prakash SJ, Jain N. A curious case of electric wire in
urethra. International Surgery Journal. 2020 Aug 27;7(9):3163-5. Magesh
C, Thangarasu M*, JayaPrakash S, Jain N. A case of adrenal cortical
carcinoma with inferior vena cava thrombus extending.
into the right atrium: a two staged procedure. International Surgery
Journal. 2020 Sep 23;7(10).
Selvaraj N, Mathisekaran T, Prakash S, Raghavan D, Khakhar A. Acquired
post caesarean uretero-uterine fistula-a rare entity. Urology Case Reports.
2020 Nov 1;33:101314.
Selvaraj N, Thangarasu M, Jayaprakash S, Raghavan D, Paul R. Bladder
Neck Resection Combined with Ten Point Intralesional Mitomycin C
Injection in Management of Refractory Bladder Neck Contracture in Post
TURP Status: A Single-Center, 2-Year Experience. Research and Reports in
Urology. 2020;12:433.
SanjayPrakash J, Mathisekaran T, Jain N, Bafna S, Paul R, Selvaraj N.
Robotic Management of Pelvic Lipomatosis—Experience with Difficulties
Encountered and the Techniques to Successful Outcomes. European
Urology Open Science. 2020 Oct 1;21:33-40
Jayaprakash SP, Thangarasu M, Jain N, Bafna S, Paul R. In situ
Management of Large Upper Ureteric Calculus by Mini-Percutaneous
Nephrolithotomy in the Era of Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery. Research
and Reports in Urology. 2020;12:633.
PrakaSh JS, MathiSekaran T, JAIN N, CHATTERJEE P, BAFNA S. Complex
Arteriovenous Malformation in a Kidney with Multiple Renal Arteries: A
Case Report. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. 2020 Dec 1;14(12)
Prakash S, Mathisekaran T, Bafna S, Jain N. Laparoscopic Management of a
Misplaced Ureteral Stent in the Duodenum. Journal of endourology case
reports. 2020 Dec 29;6(4):451-3.
Ragavan N, Bafna S, Thangarasu M, Prakash S, Paul R, Chirravur P,
Ramani S. Day-case robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery: Feasibility and
safety. Turkish Journal of Urology. 2021 Jan;47(1):30.
Raghavan D, Thangarasu M, J S, et al. (May 19, 2021) A Hemostatic
Technique in Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy and Its
Impact on Renal Function. Cureus 13(5): e15122.
European Association of Urology - 2023, Milan, Italy: A novel single surgeon approach to enhance stone clearance in Endoscopic Combined Intra Renal Surgery (ECIRS)
Société Internationale d’Urologie - 2021
Predicting Obstructive Azoospermia with Usage of Acoustic Radiation
Force Impulse of Testis : Poster
Hybrid Perfusion in Renal Transplantation with Complex Vascular
Anatomy – A Three Year Analysis : Poster
World Congress of Endourology and Uro- Technology - 2021
Predicting Obstructive Azoospermia with Usage of Acoustic Radiation
Force Impulse of Testis : Poster
Comprehensive analysis of early outcomes in radical nephrectomy with
Inferior Venacava thrombectomy - a seven year single center experience :
Urological Society of India Conference - 2021
Safety and feasibility of hybrid perfusion in live related renal
transplantation :Poster
Chennai Port closure Technique following minimally invasive
surgeries :Poster
Urological Society of India Conference - 2020
Laparoscopic Management of Right and Left RCC With Renal Vein
Thrombus: Video - Co Author
Mini PCNL Challenging the Feasibility of Pushback PCNL In Large Proximal
Ureteric Stones!: Paper- Co Author
South Zone Urological Society of India Conference - 2019
Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy for a Complex Right Renal Tumor :
Video - Co Author
Laparoscopic Right Radical Nephrectomy for a Right Renal Tumor With
Renal Vein Thrombus Extending Up to IVC (Level II): Video - Co Author